Google Wiki
Google Trends

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Google Trends gives an insight into search patterns by letting you see how often something was searched for compared with other terms.

You can compare up to five search terms. Graphs will be shown, but only if there is enough search volume on the terms you enter. You can narrow your results down by month and year (back to the start of 2004), or by region.

Google Trends is a product of Google Labs and was launched at the second annual Google Press Day on May 10, 2006.

Search and news volume[]

The graphs show the search volume, and the news volume. Links to articles from Google News on the terms you enter are shown.

Order of the search terms[]

The order of the search terms is important and you will get different graphs depending on this order. For example, a search for google,wikipedia will display the top 10 regions that search for "Google", with a comparison of "Wikipedia" searches from those same 10 regions, but a searc for wikipedia,google will show the top 10 places that "Wikipedia" is searched in.

Geographical trends[]

Google Trends also shows which ten cities search for the terms you enter the most. For example, a search for Wikipedia suggests people in Warsaw, Poland search for Wikipedia the most. A comparison of searches on the terms "Google" and "Wikipedia" show more people in Poland search for Wikipedia than Google, but in Australia, at least 5 times as many people search for "Google" than for "Wikipedia" (though the difference is much smaller if you restrict the results to 2006).

Geographical information is based on the IP address used by the searcher.

Language trends[]

You can find which language is most used by people searching the terms you enter. For example, the term "wiki" is most searched by Japanese speaking users (example search).

Language information is based on which language version of Google the searcher was using.

